This assignment contains various questions focusing on how to create a series with different options. It is an important topic for Class XII CBSE Boards Students and through this assignment they will learn about the various concepts associated with the Creation of Series easily.
Question : Name any three Python sequences?
Answer : Sequences :
- Sequences allow you to store multiple elements or values in an organized and efficient fashion. In Python, the sequence index starts at 0 and end to size-1.
- So, if ‘s’ is the sequence name then, the first element is s[0] and the second element is s[1]. If the sequence s has n items, the last item is s[n-1].
- Python supports six different types of sequences. They are : strings, bytes, lists, tuples, bytearrays, buffers and range objects.
Question : Write a code to create Series object using Python Sequence [50,70,90,80].
Answer :
Question : Write a code to create Series object using Python Sequence (40,70,50,90).
Answer :
Question : Write a code to create Series object using individual characters ‘S’,’t’,’u’,’d’,’y’.
Answer :
Question : Write a code to create Series object using a string “Study Trigger”.
Answer :
Question : Write a code to create Series object using the following words: “Study”,”Trigger”,”is”,”the”,”best”,”place”,”to”,”learn”,”Python”.
Answer :
Question : Write a code to create Series object using an ndarray that has 5 elements in the range 14 to 54.
Answer :
Question : Write a code to create Series object using ndarray that is created by tiling a list [7,9] by twice.
Answer :
Question : Write a code to create Series object using a dictionary that stores mobile name with their prices.
Question : Write a code to create a Series object that stores the scholarship of Rs.5000 for the each sections of class 12.
Answer :
You can also write the following code for the above question :
Question : Total number of medals to be won is 150 in the Inter School games held every alternate year. Write code to create a series object that stores these medals for games to be held in the decade 2000-2013.
Answer :
Question : A Python list namely Products stores the product names (‘Mobile’,’Charger’,’Watch’, ’Earbuds’). Another list stores the price of these products i.e. (50000,5000,7500,2500). Write a code to create a Series Object that stores the price as value and product name as index.
Question : Do the above question with the help of dictionary.
Question : A Python list namely Streams stores the streams (‘Science’,’Commerce’,’Humanities’). Another list stores the number of students of these streams i.e. (60,75,45). Write a code to create a Series Object that stores the number of students as value and streams as index.
Practice more questions based on CBSE pattern with the following articles :
1 comment
Very informative assignment. Cleared my all doubts related to series creation.