- Experienced faculty
- Simplified explanations
- Theoretical Concept / Practicals
- Practice Questions and Regular tests
- Doubt clearing, Discussion & Mock Viva
- Practical and Project Files
- For XIth, XIIth, BCA, B.Tech, BSc. (IT), O-Level, MCA students.
For XIth, XIIth, BCA, B.Tech, BSc. (IT), O-Level, MCA students.
Develop Your Skills with C++ Programming and Stay Ahead in Your Career
Unit I
Object Oriented Paradigm : Procedural vs object-oriented development, basic concept of object oriented programming, applications and benefits of OOP, comparison between c and c++.
Beginning with C++ : Stream based I/O, literals, constant qualifiers, operators in C++, reference variable, functions, default arguments, parameter passing by value, reference and pointer, inline functions, type conversion, basic C++ programs, new, delete operator, basic use and dynamic memory allocation for arrays.
Classes and Objects : C++ class declaration, access specifiers, member functions, array within a class, array of objects, memory allocation of objects, passing objects, passing objects as arguments, returning objects from functions, function overloading, static data and member functions, friend function and friend class, this pointer.
Constructors and Destructors : Introduction to constructor and destructor, parameterized constructor, copy constructor, multiple constructor in a class, constructor overloading, destructors, application of constructors and destructors.
Inheritance : Inheritance, Types of inheritance, accessing member functions using access specifiers (public, private and protected), ambuiguity resolution, aggregration, composition vs classification, virtual base class, constructor and destructor in derived class.
Polymorphism : Types of polymorphism, early v/s late binding, Virtual Function: need for virtual functios, pointer to derived class objects, pure virtual functions, abstract class.
Operator Overloading : Overloading unary operator, nameless objects, overloading binary operators, overloading with friend functions, conversion between basic types and user defined types.
Parametric Polymorphism : Generic Programing with Templates, Introduction, function templates, generic functions, characteristics, overloading of template functions, class templates, template arguments.
Exception Handling : Exception-handling model, types of exceptions, catching and handling exceptions, generic catch, rethrowing an exception, specifying exception for a function.
Streams and Files : C++ Streams, basic stream classes, c++ predefined streams, I/O operations, Opening and closing a file, different modes, error handling during file operation, file pointers, sequential access to files, binary files, command line arguments.
Along with 200+ Programs and a project.