Third Semester[BCA] | Dec 2024 |
Paper Code: CAP2016 | Subject : Full Stack Development |
Time:3 Hours | Maximum Marks:60 |
Note: Attempt any Four Questions from Section A (each carrying 6 marks); any Two Questions from Section-B (each carrying 10 marks). Section C is compulsory (carrying 16 marks). | |
Section-A (attempt any Four Questions) | |
1. What is MongoDB? How does it vary from traditional SQL databases? | |
2. What is the benefit of using React in full stack development? | |
3. Define CRUD operation in MongoDB. What are the four basic operations and their significance. | |
4. a) How do you create simple HTTP server? | |
b) Difference between client and server. | |
5. a) How do you connect NodeJS with databases like MongoDB? | |
b) What are the types of errors in JavaScript? | |
SECTION – B (Attempt any Two Questions) | |
6. a) What is NPM? How do you use it in a NodeJS project? | |
b) What is the role of web server in Web Development? | |
7. a) What is the difference between frontend and backend development? | |
b) How do you handle errors in JavaScript? | |
8 a) What is ExpressJS? Explain its features and advantages. | |
b) Discuss the different types of CSS selectors and provide examples of how to use them. Explain when it’s appropriate to use class selectors, ID selectors and element selectors. | |
SECTION-C is Compulsory | |
9 a) Suppose you are developing a web application for an online library management system. Describe the role of each component (MongoDB, Express, React and Nodejs) in implementing a feature where users can search for books, view book details, and place requests to borrow books. (10 marks) | |
b) Describe the non-blocking event-driven nature of Node.js and why it is advantageous for web applications. (6 marks) |