Second Semester[BCA] | June 2024 |
Paper Code: BCA-108 | Subject : Database Management System |
Time:3 Hour | Maximum Marks:60 |
Note: Attempt five questions in all including Q.No.1 which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit. | |
Q1 Answer the following (Attempt any five): (4*5=20) | |
(a) Define distributed data processing, instances, schema with example. | |
(b) What is relationship? Explain types of relation with example. | |
(c) What is SQL? Explain the characteristics and advantages of SQL. | |
(d) Define integrity constraints Primary Key, Not NULL, Check with example. | |
(e) Define views and sequences with example. | |
(f) Define Domain, Tuples, Relations with suitable example. | |
(g) Explain ACID properties Transaction in DBMS. | |
UNIT I | |
Q2 (a) What are keys? Explain Super Key, Candidate Key, Primary Key with example. (5) | |
b) What is data independence? Explain logical and physical data independence with diagram. (5) | |
Q3 (a) What is DBMS? Explain client/server architecture with a suitable diagram. (5) | |
(b) Define Entity, Entity types, Strong Entity, and Weak Entity with example. (5) | |
Q4 (a) What is the characteristics of SQL? Explain 5 data types of SQL? (5) | |
b) Explain Triggers and stored procedure in DBMS with example. (5) | |
Q5 (a) Define Nested and Correlated Nested Queries with examples. (5) | |
(b) What are GROUP BY and HAVING clauses? Write a query to illustrate these clauses. (5) | |
Q.6 (a) Explain 1st, 2nd and 3rd normal form with example. (4) | |
(b) What is Functional dependencies? Explain Armstrong’s inference rule. (6) | |
Q7 (a) What are joins? Explain inner, outer, left outer, right outer and full outer join with example. (6) | |
(b) Explain Codd’s rules in DBMS. (4) | |
Q8 (a) Define database recovery. Explain the techniques that are used for database recovery. (5) | |
(b) What is a transaction? Discuss the different types of transaction failures that may occur in database. (5) | |
Q9 (a) What is system failure? Explain backup techniques used for system failure. (6) | |
(b) Differentiate between authentication and authorization techniques. (4) |