Second Semester[BCA] | June 2024 |
Paper Code: BCA-306 | Subject : Internet of Things |
Time:3 Hour | Maximum Marks:75 |
Note: Attempt all questions as directed. Internal Choice is indicated. | |
Q1 Attempt any five of the following questions : (5*5=25) | |
(a) Discuss and differentiate Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi board. | |
(b) What do you mean by participatory sensing technology. | |
(c) Explain architecture of Arduino Board. | |
(d) Write about ease of designing and affordability of IoT systems? | |
(e) What are the key use cases for Smart Cities. | |
(f) Summarize the characteristics of IoT. | |
(g) Explain RFID in detail along with its type. | |
(h) Explain Wireless Sensor Network. | |
UNIT I | |
Q2. Explain IoT in detail along with its vision? Write about sources of IOT and Technology behind IoT. (12.5) | |
Or | |
Q3. Explain IoT/M2M system layers and design standardization. Differentiate the IoT and M2M. (12.5) | |
Q4. Explain the Conceptual Framework and architecture of IoT with a suitable diagram. (12.5) | |
Or | |
Q5 (a) Explain “sensor” and its working. Describe any five types of sensors. (6.25) | |
(b) Explain Actuator and its use in IoT? Explain types of actuators in detail. (6.25) | |
Q6 Explain Wireless Medium Access Issues and MAC Protocol Survey. (12.5) | |
Or | |
Q7 Write note on programming with Arduino IDE. Write Arduino code that uses ultrasonic sensor to measure distance of an object from the sensor. (12.5) | |
Q8. Discuss the development and security issues in IOT applications in details (12.5) | |
Or | |
Q6 (a) Difference between include() and require(). Write code to read a file line by line and display it on web page. (5) | |
(b) Explain the following file handling functions. (i) fread() (ii) fgets() (iii) unlink (5) | |
or | |
Q7 (a) What do you understand by Object Oriented Programming. Explain various feature associated with objects giving example whenever possible. (5) | |
(b) Create a class “Employee” taking appropriate data members and member functions in PHP. Also create Constructor and Destructor for the same. (5) | |
Q8 What are various dataype in MySQL. Write a PHP Script to create a database named “Gadgets” having table “Phone” with fields names P_Id, P_Company, P_Cost, P_Year. Write insert query for inserting records in “Phone” table and select query for retrieving the data. (5) | |
or | |
Q9 Explain any two of the following IOT application in details :(6.25*2 = 12.5)
i) Smart metering ii) Smart Cards iii) E-Health iv) Home Automation |