Create a class employee which accepts name, year of joining, salary and address of three employees . Now display the output as follows:
Name | Year of Joining | Address |
Rahul | 1994 | Tilak Nagar, New Delhi |
Raman | 2000 | Hari Nagar, New Delhi |
Rohit | 1999 | Subash Nagar, New Delhi |
Solution :
import java.util.*; class Details { String Name; String Yoj; String Address; Details(String name, String yoj, String address) { Name=name; Yoj=yoj; Address=address; } public void DisplayInfo(){ System.out.println(Name+"\t"+Yoj+"\t\t"+Address); } } class EmployeeData { public static void main(String args[]) { Details ob1=new Details("Rahul","1994","Tilak Nagar, New Delhi"); Details ob2=new Details("Raman","2000","Hari Nagar, New Delhi"); Details ob3=new Details("Rohit","1999","Subhash Nagar, New Delhi"); System.out.println("Name\tYear of Joining\tAddress"); ob1.DisplayInfo(); ob2.DisplayInfo(); ob3.DisplayInfo(); } }
Save the above Program with “Score.Java” then compile it with the following commands :
javac //to compile the code java EmployeeData // to run the code
Output is :
Name Year of Joining Address Rahul 1994 Tilak Nagar, New Delhi Raman 2000 Hari Nagar, New Delhi Rohit 1999 Subhash Nagar, New Delhi