Define a class CARRENTAL with the following details :
- Class Members are : CarId of int type, CarType of string type and Rent of float type.
- Define GetCar() method which accepts CarId and CarType.
- GetRent() method which return rent of the car on the basis of car type, i.e. Small Car = 1000, Van = 800, SUV = 2500
- ShowCar() method which allow user to view the contents of cars i.e. id, type and rent.
import java.util.*; class CAR { int CarId; String CarType; int Rent; public void GetCar(){ Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter Car Id : "); CarId=sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter Car Type : ");; } public int GetRent(){ if(CarType.equals("Small")) Rent = 1000; if(CarType.equals("Van")) Rent = 800; if(CarType.equals("SUV")) Rent = 2500; return Rent; } public void ShowCar(){ System.out.println("Car Id : "+CarId); System.out.println("Car Type : "+CarType); System.out.println("Rent : "+GetRent()); } } class CARRENTAL { public static void main(String args[]) { CAR ob=new CAR(); ob.GetCar(); ob.GetRent(); ob.ShowCar(); } }
Save the above Program with “CARRENTAL.Java” then compile it with the following command :
javac //compile the code java CARRENTAL //run the code
Output is :
Enter Car Id : 101 Enter Car Type : SUV Car Id : 101 Car Type : SUV Rent : 2500