Define a class employee with the following specification :
- Members are : empno of type integer, ename of type String, basic, hr and da are of type float, netpay of type float.
- Member functions :
- Calculate() : A function to find basix+hra+da with the float return type.
- havedata() : function to accept values for empno, ename, basic, hra, da and invoke calculate() to calculate netpay.
- dispdata() : function to display all the data members.
import java.util.*; class EMPLOYEE { int empno; String ename; float basic, hra, da, netpay; public float Calculate(){ return basic+hra+da; } public void havedata(){ Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter Employee Number : "); empno=sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter Name : ");; System.out.println("Enter Basic, HRA and DA : "); basic=sc.nextFloat(); hra=sc.nextFloat(); da=sc.nextFloat(); netpay=Calculate(); } public void dispdata(){ System.out.println("Employee Number : "+empno); System.out.println("Employee Name : "+ename); System.out.println("Basic : "+basic); System.out.println("HRA : "+hra); System.out.println("DA : "+da); System.out.println("Net Pay : "+netpay); } } class EmpDetails { public static void main(String args[]) { EMPLOYEE ob=new EMPLOYEE(); ob.havedata(); ob.dispdata(); } }
Save the above Program with “EmpDetails.Java” then compile it with the following commands:
javac //to compile the code java EmpDetails // to run the code
Output is
Enter Employee Number : 105 Enter Name : Sunny Enter Basic, HRA and DA : 14000 5000 7500 Employee Number : 105 Employee Name : Sunny Basic : 14000.0 HRA : 5000.0 DA : 7500.0 Net Pay : 26500.0