- Experienced faculty
- Simplified explanations
- Theoretical Concept / Practicals
- Practice Questions and Regular tests
- Doubt clearing, Discussion & Mock Viva
- Practical and Project Files
- For XIth, XIIth, BCA, B.Tech, BSc. (IT), O-Level, MCA students.
For XIth, XIIth, BCA, B.Tech, BSc. (IT), O-Level, MCA students.
Basic Introduction : Origin, Need of Python Programming, Features, Program Structure, Identifiers, Reserved Words, Escape Sequence, IDLE-Python Interpreter.
Python Programming Introduction : Variables and assignment statements, data types, Operators: Assignment, Unary, Binary, Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Bitwise Operator and membership operator.
Control Structures : if-conditional statements, if-else condition, if-elif-else condition, nested if-elif-else condition, Iteration (for loop and while loop), Nested loops, break and continue statement.
Strings: Slicing, Membership, Built in functions (count, find, capitalize, title, lower, upper and swap case, replace, join, isspace(), isdigit(), split(), startswith(), endswith()).
Mutable and Immutable Objects : List: creating, initializing, accessing, slicing and traversing List. List Operations : Length, concatenation, repetition, in, not in, max, min, sum, all, any. List methods: append, extend, count, remove, index, pop, insert, sort, reverse.
Tuples: creation tuples, tuple operations: length, concatenation, repetition, membership, maximum, minimum, tuple methods: count, index.
Dictionary : creating, accessing values, adding, modifying and deleting items in dictionary, Dictionary methods: len, str, clear, copy, get, update, copy. Difference between list and dictionary.
Concept of Functions: Functions: Defining, Calling and Types of Functions, Arguments and Return Values, Formal vs Actual Arguments, Scope and Lifetime, Keywor Arguments, Default Arguments, Recursion.
Modules: importing Modules, Math and Random Module, creating your own modules and concept of Packages.
NumPy Library : Introduction to NumPy, Creation of One-Dimensional Arrays, Re-Shaping of an Array, Element-wise Operations, Aggregate Operations, Array indexing, Array Slicing, insert Row/Columns, Append Row/Columns, Array Manipulation Operations.
Introduction to matplotlib : Bar Graphs, pie-charts
File Handling : Types of Files (Text file, Binary Files, CSV Files), Creation, Writing, Appending, Insertion, Deletion, updating, modification of Data in into the files.