How a React 19 Application Loads and Gets Started
Whenever we create a React 19 project with Vite and run it with the help of the npm run dev command, it looks like the below image.
Now, we will try to understand how a React19 application is loaded and started. For this, try to understand these 3 steps:
Step 1
It renders the “index.html” page. On this page, inside the body tag, there is a “div” having id “root”, like this:
<body> <div id="root"></div> <script type="module" src="/src/main.jsx"></script> </body>
This is the place (div) where a React application gets loaded.
Step 2
Now, this id (root) can be seen in the file “main.jsx” file inside the render method, like this:
createRoot(document.getElementById('root')).render( <StrictMode> <App /> </StrictMode>, )
// Selecting the root DOM element const container = document.getElementById('root'); // Creating a React root const root = createRoot(container); // Rendering the App component root.render(<App />);
But where does this App component come from? It is defined in the App.jsx file. To use it in the index.js file, you must import it like this:
import App from './App';
Step 3
Let’s navigate to the App.js file, where we find the first and only React component provided by default in our application.
function App() { return ( <> <div> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src={viteLogo} className="logo" alt="Vite logo" /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src={reactLogo} className="logo react" alt="React logo" /> </a> </div> <h1>Welcome to Vite + React 19</h1> <p className="read-the-docs"> Application Developed By Study Trigger </p> </> ) }
We save the changes and run our application; the browser will now display output similar to the image below.
From the above article, let’s quickly review how a React19 application gets loaded.